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Section 1: Introduction
What to Expect (2:48)
Section 2: Technicalities
Design Criteria (5:56)
Taking Measurements and Creating a Plan (11:53)
Learn the Aspect of Your Room (2:21)
Compiling Your Information Going Forward (3:49)
Section 3: Aesthetics
Style Quiz
Keyword Research (26:04)
Creating Your Moodboard (27:39)
Section 4: Choosing a Colour Scheme
Colour Basics (19:51)
Choosing and Implementing your Colour Scheme (22:45)
Section 5: Hacking the Budget
Assessing Your Budget (12:36)
Splurge or Save? (3:45)
BONUS: D.I.Y Hacks and Shopping Smart (5:11)
Windows, Walls and Floors
Types of Wall Treatments (6:37)
Choosing Your Wall Treatment (10:25)
Types of Flooring (6:13)
Choosing Your Flooring (3:04)
Types of Window Treatment (6:27)
Choosing Your Window Treatment (7:24)
Section 7: Furniture
Furniture Layout (6:40)
Scale and Proportion (13:40)
Furniture Style and Functionality (5:18)
Shopping for Furniture (5:42)
Section 8: Lighting
Different Types of Lighting (5:02)
Creating Your Lighting Scheme (3:33)
Section 9: Bringing It All Together
Final Design (23:35)
Section 10: Accessorising Like a Pro
Accessorising Pro Tips (4:51)
Thank You and Goodbye
Thank You and Goodbye (0:46)
Different Types of Lighting
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